quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2010

there are two very important things in life
and love

fear is very expensive...
love is free!!!

by: santana

quarta-feira, 19 de maio de 2010

casos de surdez aguda

sócio diz: " tou a ajeitar as calças" resposta de yumisama "tas a ajeitar a cauda??"
ao telefone pergunta.me onde é qe eu tou e eu respondo "estou a ir pa escola" e ele pergunta "tas a fumar o qê??"
"tava uma fada na estrada" resposta de yumisama "tava um tiger na estrada?" resposta de marshmallows "tava um tiger na esquadra?"
"ela assustou-me" resposta de yumisama "quem é qe te pintou??"
"rim" resposta de yumisama "rei??"

avatar diz: "vou po VDL" resposta de yumisama "vais po chinelo?"
"Esta no gozo" resposta da yumisama "quem é que esta maluco?"
"estrelitas" reposta de yumisama "estalactites"
"vou levar porrada." yumisama responde "Prada" resposta da marshmallows "torada" resposta da avatar "Entrada"
"perseguição cerrada" resposta de yumisama "tas torrada?"
"tímida" resposta de yumisama "cínica?" resposta de maria rosa "química?"
"desorientada" resposta de yumisama "cenas de hentai??"
"estamos smp a pares" resposta de yumisama "estamos com patos?"
"quem é qe está a comer uma pastilha?" resposta de yumisama "quem é qe vai para a universidade?"

pips diz: "oBiste?" resposta do sócio " oh besta??"
"esqueci.me das minhas lentes" resposta da milkshot "queres lenços? eu tenho"

mana terror diz: "sai daqui neka!" resposta de avatar "shakira??"
"isto é o glee" resposta de yumisama "soubi?" resposta do sócio "estúpido??"

alguém diz: "tenho um gato chamado pincel" resposta de yumisama "o qê? tens a torre eiffel??"

milkshot diz: "vou fazer um tac" resposta de yumisama "tas gravida??"
"já vimos o qnt a pips é materialista" resposta de yumisama "matilde?"

marshmallows diz: "tava uma falha na estrada e eu cai" resposta do sócio "tava uma fada na estrada??"
"qero o sweeney todd" resposta de milkshot "qeres ir para itália?"
"bocados de amora" resposta de yumisama "bocados de demónio??"
"tens medo da nota da stora?" resposta de yumisama "tens medo da nádega da stora??"
"blog" resposta de yumisama "rock?"
"deviam ligar" resposta de yumisama "jumbo??"
"tenho mais um caso de surdez aguda" resposta de yumisama "caiu um pássaro?"
"a folha caíu" resposta do sócio "o noddy caíu??"

yumisama diz: "abóbora" resposta de avatar "apógrafo??"
"ela topou.te" resposta de avatar "ela tocou.te??"
"eu babei ca pa dentro" resposta de avatar "bebes.te la pra dentro??"
"a minha baba é boa" resposta de avatar "a tua mama é boa??"
"waffle com musse lá dentro" resposta de marshmallow "tava lá um urso??"
"tive um arrepio" resposta de maria rosa "qeres fumar um funil??"
"onde é qe está o tlmóvel?" resposta de sócio "onde é qe está o rabo dela??"

stora de historia diz: "a loira varrida" resposta de yumisama "loira derretida?"

mãe de yumisama diz: "poliglota" resposta de yumisama "polibulota?"
"bates com a cabeça na mesa" resposta de yumisama "ficas com amnesia?"
"esta a vir muita gente" resposta de yumisama "guarda-redes?"

kitty diz: "tens uma garrafa de água?" resposta de yumisama "sim quero um whisky"

Big Didi: "Dura até aparecer uma melhor" resposta de yumisama "até aparecer a Irlandesa?"

Papoila diz: "partiu uma perna" resposta da marsmallows "quem é que morreu?"

stora de pt diz: "comunicações orais" resposta de yumisama "comunicações ovais?"

maria rosa (só às 6f) diz: "ténis" resposta de yumisama "satânicos?"
"n acreditas em mim?" resposta de yumisama "ouvi coisas imaginárias??"
"há baleias no mar" resposta de yumisama "há balões no mar?"

hitsuji diz: "as minhas banhas estão em alta" resposta de yumisama "os morangos estão em alta?"

rami diz: "dai o refrigerante" resposta de maria rosa "detergente?"
"poste" resposta de yumisama "coxo?"

alguém diz: "impulsão" resposta de maria rosa "pulsação?"

alegremente bêbedo diz: "é da bebedeira" resposta de yumisama "é da madeira??"

sábado, 8 de maio de 2010

a competir com o st de historia

sócio: loiro de cabelo azul
ta.me a dar uma perna
vou buscar roupa e trocar de dinheiro
liberdade da censura
o lobo volta po ninho

yumisama: vamo.nos beber
os turistas atacaram as torres gémeas
roubaram.me a perna
vale dos lençóis.. um jogo, um programa, um site ou qer dizer qe vais pa cama?
aqeles indivíduos n falsificados
as calças das pernas
a árvore ta no ninho
daqi a um bocado levas uma bufada (bofetada)
violação doméstica
vem me passar a ferro
intalação (instalação)
subir para cima

stora de pt: eu n qero ouvir com voz

maria rosa (só às 6f): liberdade da ditadura
eu chegava a nódoa com a casa negra
tou a ouvir nas costas

avatar: há uma comida qe tb se chama broche.. - sócio responde "n, isso é brioche!!"
regador (regedor)

leo: a tua salada vem com cretinos (crutons)

mana terror: n estamos na cotovia.. estamos a passar pelo hospital da cotovia

milkshot: fiz peles dum casaco
no outro dia... - marshmallows responde "isso foi no ano passado!!"

marshmallows: tou morta... vou te matar!!

once upon a time...

once upon a time
a girl wished upon a star
that her friend would fall in love for her
and her wish came true
not in the exact way that she wished because he fell in love.. by another guy...
that guy was the girls best friend, so she was very sad
and decided that guys wore stupid and went to a gay bar where she met a very cute girl
at the beginning they enjoyed each others company but then they both got drunk and while driving home they had a car accident
but not very seriously, they both stayed ok, and went home, and went home, and got each other number
after the accident, one of the girls was still having pains, she went to the doctor and he said she had an inoperable tumor that would kill her in two months
and after a month, that she passed with the other girl she went to the doctor and he realized hat he had done a wrong diagnosis and that and that the girl had no tumor
but he didn’t tell the girl.. because when she went to the doctor's consultation she told him she had lived much happier, she lived everyday as if it was her last
but then he had to tell her and she promised to live every day as if it was her last.
She soon broke her promise, she started to see life in a different way like she had all of the time in the world
And she enjoyed her life with her girlfriend, and then she said to her parents that she had a girlfriend and they throw her of the house..
She was very angry, because she knew her mother was having an affair with another woman and she didn’t help her
And she went to live with her girlfriend and her parents divorced and her mother went to live too with her lover
And her father was left with the cats who had kittens and they ripped the eyes of the man and he was blind for the rest of his life… the end

This story (and all the others) was written by Marshmallows and Avatar

quinta-feira, 6 de maio de 2010

once upon a time...

Once upon a time
There was a princess
That was buried alive
But was saved by the prince.
He saved her with a kiss, but then he turned into a frog
And she was sick and ran away from the frog
But he loved her, and ran after her through a dark forest and they both got lost
And she was forced to be with him, but then she fall in love for him and gave him a kiss and he transformed into a prince.
But when he transformed into a price she transformed into a frog
But like he loved her no matter what, he kissed her and she transformed into a princess
And he transformed into a frog again
And when she kissed him for the second time, he transformed and they both stayed has humans
But still they were lost, they were also hungry and cold and in the dark they couldn’t find their way home
So they felt asleep hugged to keep themselves warm, and on the next day…
When the prince woke up she was missing!
And then he found her because she only went to an “improved bathroom” and on the way she found a tree with very good fruits
Only she couldn’t see on the top of the tree there was a crazy monkey that throws her a coconut and it hit her head and she blacked out
And when she woke up she had lost her memory
She couldn’t remember where she was, why she was in there or even the prince, but she found a way out of the forest and she didn’t want to be with him
And then they followed separate ways
But he couldn’t live without her, so he ran after her then hold her and kissed her.. and she turned into a frog again
And then they realized that they couldn’t be together so she (the frog) went to the lake but she forgot she couldn’t swim so she drowned and died
(a frog cant swim??) so the prince moved on, he didn’t shed a tear and went home
And married with another girl
And when he kissed the bride they both turned into frogs
Then they went to a witch that toke the curse from the prince and the both back to their human form, and they could kiss without afraid of being transformed into frogs
the witch didn’t knew that by taking the curse from the prince would passed it to herself, and when she found out she traveled the world to turn people into frogs
And then she turned herself into a frog and married with another frog..
Soon everybody in the world turned into frogs – and they ruled the world
And the king was the Crazy Frog!!!
The end

by: avatar and marshmallow

terça-feira, 4 de maio de 2010

once upon a time...

Once upon a time.. in a land where good things never ended
The things ended and the people panicked
And a brave white bunny started to jump very high (hoping to find them in heaven)
But he found a carrot that was on the top of a trap and he was hurt and unable to walk forever
But he discovered that that was a carrot with all good things and when he holds her he was able to walk again and nothing could harm him
But with all the things it came a bad thing, a monster, that wanted the carrot for himself, and he got the carrot and locked the bunny that was unable to get out and staid there until the end of times
The idea of trapped “until the end of times” scared the bunny and he started to jump (again) and he was able to get out from wherever he was and he went to heaven and kept searching for all the good things
And he found a good thing; he got married and then died, leaving his wife pregnant
And then the baby rabbits were born, and as they started to grow the rabbits wife was freaking out because one of her babies looked and acted like his father (the rabbit reborn throw his child)
But their brothers wanted that he act like them so they did a spell on him and their fathers spirit went away forever with no chance of coming back
When the mother found out what her children had done, she grounded them, and they went to their room without supper!
But she understood why they had done that and on the next day let them go out and play
She understood but she couldn’t accept that the rabbit she loved was gone forever.. she become depressed, eventually died and left the bunnies orphans
And they went to live with their sweet grandparents
Und they lived happily ever after.. the end

by: avatar and marshmallows

once upon a time...

Once upon a time
Love is in the air
But it fell and hit the ground
But before it hit the ground he spread for all the people on the world and they were all in love
As it eventually hit the ground, it breaks and all of those who fell in love were left broken hearted
Except one couple that was still in love, so they were sick of the people with broken hearts and they tried to resuscitate the love
They thought: people shouldn’t live with broken hearts, but bring love back to them wasn’t on their hands and it was just too lame
But the girl thought better and she wanted to help but the boy didn’t want to and they fight and broke up and then they were with their hearts broken like everyone else
This was only at the start, as time went by they all started to realize that didn’t had to live with their hearts broken and they started to heal..
Themselves but then love was resuscitated by someone that could heal herself and love was spread again and they were all more happy
Once again people had room in their hearts to love and they were going to live happily ever after
Until one day there hearts got broke again because the good things always end… the end

by: avatar and marshmallows

alegoria da casa

a maria pode pensar q está a construir uma história no cimo de um monte de palha que a teresa está a tentar destruir a td o custo
essa historia supostamente inventada pela maria é acerca da teresa e da clara.
mas se a teresa começa a dar ferramentas de construção, mais madeira, mais tijolos, mais cimento a maria será perfeitamente capaz de construir uma mansão que suportará a historia..

by: teresa